Authenticating with Socialtables

In order to access user data, third-party apps authenticate with Socialtables through explicit OAuth authorization code grants in order to receive access tokens. The basic process is outlined below.

App requests API access on behalf of a user, the user authenticates and approves access, and the app receives an authorization code.
In this simplified diagram, arrows represent browser redirects to and from Socialtables' authentication service.

Before the process can begin, apps must be configured with their authorization code redirect URI so that Socialtables can direct the user back to them after the user authorizes access.

Once an app is fully configured, the following exchange is used to obtain an access token.

  1. The app (or user agent) redirects the user to Socialtables' OAuth grant authorization endpoint at with the following query parameters:
    • client_id: the app's client ID, assigned when an app is created
    • redirect_uri: the app's authorization code redirect URI
    • response_type: set to code
  2. The user authenticates with Socialtables if necessary, and authorizes or denies access for the app. Socialtables redirects the user back to the app at the supplied authorization code redirect URI.
  3. The app receives the user's authorization code in the code query parameter.
  4. The app makes an API request for an access token using the supplied code via the OAuth token endpoint with the following parameters:
    • code: the authorization code received in the previous step
    • client_id: the app's client ID
    • client_secret: the app's client secret
    • grant_type: set to authorization_code
    • response_type: set to token
  5. The app receives a response containing an access token for subsequent API calls.

You can observe this flow in action using our API console, or in our example app.

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