
The Socialtables API controls access to user data through a roles-based permissions system. When an app receives a user's OAuth access token, the token represents a combination of the app and the user's identity, and our API will allow or reject various requests depending on the user's roles relating to accounts, teams, and other entities.

User Permissions

By default, a user has the following permissions relating to entities in the API.

  • A user can read and update their own user object.
  • A user can read and update their own account object.
  • A user can read specifically authorized account objects.
  • A user can create, read, update, and delete their own invitations.
  • A user can read, read and update, or exert full control over teams depending on their role on the team.
  • A user can create an app.
  • A user can read, update, and delete their own apps.

Access tokens corresponding to a given user inherit these permissions.

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